Monday, January 27, 2014

What to Do if a Frozen Pipe Bursts

When water freezes into ice, it expands. This often causes pipes to burst during cold weather. A burst pipe can waste up to 250 gallons of water per day, running up your water bill and damaging your home.

This video explains what to do if you experience a burst pipe this winter. Turn off your home’s main water supply to cut off the flow of water from the pipe. Contact a plumber to address the cracked pipe, and then call your insurance company to make a claim regarding any damaged property.

Call Beacon Plumbing, Heating & Mechanical at (206) 452-4363 for same-day and emergency service to address frozen pipes, clogged drains, sewer problems, and other plumbing emergencies. We pride ourselves on providing fast, effective, and professional service in Seattle and the surrounding areas. Check us out on the web to view our current special offers or schedule service today.


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