Monday, December 2, 2013

Getting Your Furnace Ready for Cooler Weather

Fall will soon turn into winter, and that means freezing temperatures are on the way. To stay warm this winter, you will need the help of your furnace. Before you turn up the heat in your home, take some time to prepare your furnace for the upcoming heating season. Preparing your furnace will keep you and your family comfortable when the cold weather arrives, and it will lower the chances that your furnace will breakdown over the winter. Here are a few ways to get your furnace ready for cooler weather.

Inspect and Replace the Air Filter

Before you run your furnace, locate the air filter and pull it out. If the filter is dirty, replace it. You should also consider upgrading to a pleated filter, HEPA filter, or electrostatic filter. These high-efficiency air filters allow the warm air to flow unimpeded through your home. They may even increase the energy efficiency of your furnace.

Clear Area around Exhaust Flue

Find out where your furnace’s exhaust flue is located and make sure that the area is free of obstructions such as branches or animal nests. If the exhaust flue becomes blocked, the gases and fumes produced by your furnace can begin to circulate through your home. Exposure to these exhaust fumes can be dangerous, so be sure to inspect the exhaust flue before you run your furnace during the winter.

Hire a Professional

Unless your furnace is brand new, it might be a good idea to hire a heating and furnace repair company to inspect your furnace before the cooler weather sets in for good. A simple furnace inspection might reveal a hidden problem that would have shut down your home’s heating system had it gone unnoticed.

For the best furnace maintenance, repair, and testing in Seattle, contact Beacon Plumbing, Heating & Mechanical. We can keep your home comfortable all winter long with our residential heating services, including emergency furnace repair, furnace installation, furnace testing, and more. Call us today at (206) 452-4363 to learn more about our heating and furnace repair services.

1 comment:

  1. Your furnace is what keeps your home comfortable all year long, so knowing a little bit about furnace maintenance is important for any homeowner. If you're unsure what it takes to maintain your furnace properly, read on for a bit of advice.

    Furnace Repair Toronto
