Monday, July 15, 2013

Preventing Washing Machine Plumbing Problems

Your washing machine probably isn’t the first appliance that comes to mind when you consider your home’s plumbing, but they do provide a valuable function nonetheless. You may not encounter many washing machine issues beyond the occasional heavy load, but any leaks or overflows could cause significant water damage.

As this video shows, you can reduce the risk of major washing machine issues with a few simple plumbing appliances. Also, by replacing the hoses every three to five years, you can avoid unexpected leaks.

Follow Beacon Plumbing, Heating, and Mechanical online for more tips on protecting your Seattle home, and click on this link to receive an exclusive online discount for your next plumbing emergency. To schedule installation or repair services from our plumbing experts, call (206) 452-4363 today.

1 comment:

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