Monday, October 22, 2012

Important Information to Know About Your Septic System

If you have recently moved into a home with a septic system, it’s important to familiarize yourself with how it functions. To avoid frequent visits by your local emergency plumbing professional, you can use several routine practices and techniques to keep the system working efficiently. Take a look at this important information to learn more about your septic system:

How the System Functions

As soon as you flush your toilet, the wastewater leaves your home through pipes into the septic tank. Once inside the tank, the waste is separated into two groups of solids: lighter matter will float to the top of the tank and heavier solids sink downwards. Microorganisms begin breaking down the solids, while leftover water works its way towards the drain field to be filtrated.

The Role of Bacteria

Before the leftover water, known as “effluent”, can make its way to the drain field, harmful pathogens and potentially dangerous viruses are removed so that it won’t damage the surrounding soil and groundwater supply. This process is aided by anaerobic bacteria, which slow down the flow of the effluent and filter non-compostable material into a soil absorption system.

The Impact of Household Products

In order to maintain a balance of healthy bacteria in your septic system, it’s crucial that you refrain from using antibacterial soaps in kitchens and bathrooms. It’s also important to avoid flushing medications or items like feminine hygiene products down your toilet to prevent build-up and contamination. When rinsing pots and pans after a meal, don’t rinse oils or fat down the drain.
Understanding your home’s hard working septic system and treating it right will guarantee that it lasts for years to come. Here at Beacon Plumbing, Heating, and Mechanical, we’ve been Seattle’s most trusted name in septic care since 1999. Call us today at (206) 452-4363 to learn how we can help you maintain your system.

Seattle Septic System Emergency Plumbing septic tank emergency plumbing professional


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