Saturday, April 23, 2011

3 Situations in Which You Need Emergency Plumbing

Heating and furnace repair can be complex and arduous, true—but plumbing issues are particularly messy.

Below you’ll find three situations in which you are likely to need emergency plumbing. Trust us; these are times when you’re going to want to leave the problem to a professional.

1. Blocked Drains/Toilets—Blocked drains and toilets are the most commonly cited plumbing emergencies and are typically caused by grease, oil, or hair buildup. Less frequently they are caused by dropped valuables such as toys or jewelry. Blocked drains and toilets can cause bacteria to spread, not to mention localized flooding and mold growth at sites of water damage. It’s important to call in for emergency plumbing should a blockage be detected to avoid more serious flooding and/or repeated overflows.

2. Burst or Leaking Pipes—Rusty or otherwise damaged pipes can develop leaks and may even burst. This can result in major flooding, water damage, and excessive mold growth if not immediately taken care of. The excessive water loss can also significantly increase your utility bills. If you hear running water when you are not intentionally using faucets or appliances, then it’s a good idea to call a plumber to check your underground pipes as well as those indoors.

3. Clogged Septic Lines—A clogged septic tank is usually caused by leaves or other debris, but can also be the result of underground root infiltration. If your septic tank is compromised, then sewage could make its way into your basement and travel to other rooms—posing a serious threat to sanitation. The sooner you get it taken care of, the better.
Blocked drain

If you suspect you have a plumbing emergency or you simply have more questions about what to do to gauge the seriousness of a plumbing problem, then call our experts at Beacon Plumbing, Heating & Mechanical. We provide 24/7 services to both residential and commercial clients and can offer water damage referral if needed.


  1. Really these are in this situation everyone needs plumbing services .. i like your post this is unique thanks for share. ... plumber los angeles ca

  2. We offer the same type of things at Leone Plumbing & Heating. Without this type of service people wouldn't know what to do in the emergency situations and the situation could get much worse.

  3. I recently faced this problem and made me tired to have solution. Eventually I had to call engineer of boiler installation to get new one. I am gonna save the above picture as well for my learning tutorial.

  4. Sometimes you may find minor or even major problems in your plumbing system that may need to be repaired immediately. Therefore, at that time you need to hire an experienced plumber to repair your plumbing system.

    Plumbers Mornington Peninsula

  5. What can you do if your town doesn't have an emergency plumbing service? Our toilets got backed up one night and dirty water was coming up the drains of the shower. Since it was late the plumber was closed. What should do you do in one of those situations?
    Claudia Rosenburg |


  6. تعد خدمات التنظيف المتعلقه بالمنزل بصفه عامه ان الامور الهامه حاليا لما لها من ترابط وثيق بالصحه والقضاء علي الامراض وخصيصا تنظيف الخزانات والتي تعد من الضروريات حيث يجب تنظيفها بصفه دوري
    تنظيف منازل بالخرج
    تنظيف مساجد
    تنظيف منازل بجدة
    تنظيف خزانات بالخرج
    فان كنت عميلنا الكريم من الرياض او الخرج او جده فنحن نوفر لك افضل خدمات التنظيف العامه بمعدات حديثه وعماله مدربه
    تنظيف مجالس بالخرج
