Friday, March 25, 2011

Plumbing Maintenance that Will Reduce Your Water Bill

Regular maintenance of your household plumbing can be done both at home by you and by your plumber, and knowing a few simple things can save you from an emergency plumbing situation, and save on your overall water bill.

* From tightening your taps to keeping an eye on your water meter, you can have a hand up on leaks. Conserving the amount of water you use can easily reduce your costs, and there are simple ways to do it. Add a few drops of food coloring into your toilet’s tank—if colored water appears in the bowl without flushing, then your toilet may be running needlessly.
* Insulate your pipes. This conserves heat, keeping the water warmer longer and reducing the strain on your water heater. Installing a tankless water heater offers on-demand hot water, and can greatly reduce the amount of water you use.
* Turning on the shower and letting all the cold water run out not only wastes a vast amount of water, but can indicate problems with your water heater. A more efficient heater uses both less water and less energy due to reduced demand. Maintaining your water heater keeps it efficient longer and is something you can do at home without special tools.
* Use a bucket to hold the cold water from the shower and, in turn, water your plants. Putting a couple bottles of water weighted with some pebbles or sand inside your toilet tank is an inexpensive way of having a water-saving flush.
* An unusually high bill and a corresponding change on your meter can indicate unusual usage. Keeping an eye on your water bill is the easiest way to know what your average consumption should be, in conjunction with checking your water meter. Pay attention in the summer to how often and how much you water your lawn and garden, and cut excess hot water time in the shower during the colder months.

Here at Beacon Plumbing, Heating, and Mechanical, we would love to share some great free tips to help you save water and money. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about reducing your water usage!


  1. Reduced water bills mean a lot, especially during these tough times. The savings from the previous bill can help make paying the succeeding month's water bill easier.

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