Everyone is looking for ways to reduce monthly expenses these days. We try to cut down on eating at restaurants, lower our gasoline consumption, and decrease our cell phone plans. One of the easiest ways to save money is often overlooked—proper care and maintenance of your home heating system.
By taking proper care of your furnace you will not only be saving money on monthly bills, but you will reduce the chance of the need for heating & furnace repair.
Below are 5 simple tips to keeping your furnace from wasting your hard earned money:
1. Install a digital programmable thermostat for your furnace. Digital programmable thermostats are not only more accurate but can save you hundreds of dollars a year on your heating costs. Set your thermostat lower while you are out of the house and at night when you are sleeping.
2. Take the time to look for leaks around windows and doors. If leaks are found, then seal them with caulk or weather stripping. By taking the few minutes needed to check and fix leaks, you could reduce your heating bills by as much as 20%. You may also avoid an unnecessary call to your plumber.
3. Check your furnace filter every month. By keeping your furnace filter as clean as possible and changing it on a regular basis, you help your furnace run as efficiently as possible. This means a more comfortable house and lower utility bills.
4. Have a professional tune-up performed on your furnace annually by heating & furnace repair specialists. By having your furnace inspected and tuned up annually, you will ensure you get the best performance and longest life from your heating system.
5. If a problem does arise, then get your furnace repaired as soon as possible by a heating & furnace repair professional. Finding problems in the early stages helps keep your furnace running at peak efficiency.
At Beacon Plumbing, Heating and Mechanical, we are ready to help you stay warm and save money. We perform emergency plumbing, sewer line repair, heating & furnace repair, as well as tankless water heater installation. Our professional technicians are experienced and ready to fix any type of problem on almost any type of system. Give us a call today to see what we can do for you.